Tuesday, September 18, 2012

call to action

last summer ride

As I write this morning, it is a drippity day outside my window. On Sunday afternoon it was a beautiful sunny 70 degree day making it a perfect day to hop on the bikes. I snapped the photo to hold on to the last bit of summer fun. We are fortunate to live a half mile from our school campus. Chuck and I enjoy leisure walks and rides.

movin' indoors

We had friends over for pie and coffee this past week. Chuck's request? Banana Cream and Lemon Meringue. Proof that I can still roll out a crust:)


And because I declined a piece of pie (or two or hundred)...


I had some mini-mountains of clothes to sort through. I packed my dining room table with my past five sizes... Funny how many memories are associated with clothing articles. Enough said. I finished the task and found my table! Contented sigh.

I added the same .99 flower to my kitchen and laundry room this September. 

The milkjug I bought this summer at an antique store for $12. It is from Lawsons, our village milk market when I grew up. My favorite purchases included Mallow Cups, M&Ms, Fritos and pop.

What can you do with all the beautiful homemade cards you receive? I cut out the front of the card and popped it on a dollar store frame. (Thanks Diana for the two cards that grace my windowsill. Sweet memories!)
chalkboard update
Here is what has been locked in on my ipad for the past couple of weeks.
Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. (Romans 12:11-13 The Message Bible)
I am in need of Divine call to action in my life. I know no one more needy of refueling and aflaming than Yours Truly Sparrow. It is why I love to begin my mornings with God's Word.

Called into action. Together. Cheerfully and prayerfully.


monkjo@live.com  I respond to questions or comments you may have. Blessings!