Tuesday, October 23, 2012

eight legs

Arachnids. Congregating in our master bedroom. Sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles are having a Spider Reunion at my house. My apologies, Charlotte, of the Web, for hurting your sensibilities but I do not like your friends. Especially the ones the size of a quarter, with fur.

I have been totally mystified, losing track after flushing down #13.

Past time to seek demand mister's help to solve the eight legged mystery. 

Wednesday's careful tiptoe to my bathroom . . .

Eight legs of blue plastic planted by Mister, totally missing the urgency of the mission.

That was Wednesday. On Thursday, Chuck turned on the Yankee baseball game. I, resigned to living on tiptoes hunting spiders, opened up Kindle and settled in for a read.

(I kid you not. Read on.)

I opened one of the books I'm reading by Warren Wiersbe, 10 People Every Christian Should Know (Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith).

Enter Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758. A quiet scholar who preached one of the most famous sermons ever preached in America. He had one purpose in mind: to shake people out of their religious complacency. He made a list of resolutions that he read weekly, as a compass to guide him.

As a young student, he learned Latin, Greek and Hebrew. One of his passionate interests was WATCHING SPIDERS! (page 143) He wrote an amazing essay about them.

I see God smiling as I read.


Dear Jonathan, I may not share your passion for spiders but I would do well to share your passion for Resolution #28:

"Resolved to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly, and frequently, so that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same." 

You were a man who loved God and longed more than anything to glorify Him. Mr. Edwards, I am pleased to meet you.


Note to our B & B guests: We have two young couples coming in from out of state this weekend to go to Cedar Point. For Sweetest Day, armed with his caulk gun, mister went on offense to destroy Spiders. I am happy to report no sightings since Saturday.

Best Sweetest present yet, honey. Oh, along with these.

What a thoughtful and brave man I had the good sense to marry :)

So done with 8 legs,

monkjo@live.com  Always happy to respond to comments/questions.