Thursday, June 14, 2012

a certain invitation

June is one of my favorite months.

Heading out to celebrate my 54th birthday (minus the mug on top of my head!).

A gift from my BSG's (Bible Study Girlfriends)

One of my most favorite places! 
(I know I need some colorful flowers along the rock garden. Landscaping at our house is a work in progress. Look closely and you can see hubster's new workshop under construction in the background.) 

More June love

Awaiting the lettuce wrap


Just in case you think I've forgotten how to make yummy desserts-
Chocolate Cream Puff Cake for out-of-town guests this weekend. Oh the memories shared from this well worn recipe.

life isn't always a bowl of cherries

Even in this beautiful month of June, I am making a guess that you and I share something in common. A "something" like my migraines that deplete my inner reserve and leave me deflated. We all have "somethings."

Seemingly unanswered prayers...situations beyond our control...worrisome news...loneliness...crushed dreams...chronic distress...marital strain...devastating diagnosis... 

It is in the presence of the "somethings" that I take you back to the title of this post.

a certain invitation

Jesus whispers this powerful invitation into your day.
Come unto Me.

His invitation delivers big - instant pardon from guilt and sin, relief from fear and sorrow, promised rest for your soul.

Come unto Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Come & Refresh. Gather His strength to take the next step in your journey.

I like to "go." God is teaching me to "come."

Just wonderin'. Do you have any June lessons you care to share?

Another "something" update if you are following my healthy living weight loss journey. 23 weeks. Go Team Go!

I'm smiling. It's June. And we are friends!
margi with any comments or questions. Junebug blessings!